

We are passionate about our environment and the businesses who impact upon it. Within the Environment Sector we have worked with small consultancies through to government and internationally funded organisations.

Lighting Global

Report Analysis
Lighting Global Report

Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2020, designed for Lighting Global on behalf of World Bank Group. 

Global World Bank Logo

African Development Bank Group

Report Analysis

Identifying the sustainable development of reusable energy in Africa.

European Green Budget/European Climate Foundation

Report Analysis

A world wide report on government carbon taxation.

Core Surveys

Corporate Brochure

Benefits and reassurances of asbestos surveying within the residential and commercial environment.

Core Surveys

Wildlife Matters

Identity and publications

A redesign of an identity and publications relating to wildlife, their habitat and risk of extinction.

Wildlife Matters


Literature and application forms

To support grant distribution for members of the FSBI.


Guilford Council

Campaign Posters

Environmental awareness campaign for Guilford Council.